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Yoga for Stress and Anxiety
Information and Education
Waiver & Intro (2:02)
A note on music (0:40)
Mini Meditation (4:29)
Stress, Worry & Anxiety - What's the difference? (3:22)
What Anxiety is (7:39)
Why the brain creates a fear response (4:10)
The Threat Bucket (3:02)
The Neural Hierarchy (6:15)
Mini Practice - Neural Hierarchy
The Nervous System (2:56)
The Fear-Adrenaline-Fear Cycle (5:12)
The Vagus Nerve (2:28)
Breath Practices Explained (1:15)
Paradoxical Breathing (5:28)
Physiological Sigh (2:49)
Coherent Breath (3:42)
Relaxing Breath (4:10)
Relaxing for Sleep 1 (4:01)
Relaxing for sleep 2 (4:40)
Why Yoga Works & Asana Explained (2:37)
40 Minute practice for Awareness & Introspection (44:56)
20 Minutes practice - Agitated to calm (25:58)
10 Minute practice - Ready for bed (12:48)
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (9:53)
Shielding Visualisation (3:54)
The Pond (6:10)
What's Next?
Thank you & Resources (4:52)
Paradoxical Breathing
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