Welcome to Freedom Yoga, where I combine science, yoga & psychology in easy to understand ways to help you conquer your mental health.

I believe combining movement (yoga) with talk therapy (psychology) is essential for recovery from mental health conditions. The belief that the mind and body are separate and we can just focus on one without attending to the other is pretty old school.

If you're anything like me then you also like to know the reasons (science) behind why things work.

I know yoga makes me feel better but WHY? I know breathing helps but WHY?

This is what my courses are all about. I have combined the tools and substantial research I have done to create programs to help you manage and recover from mental health challenges.

Having suffered from 'rocky' mental health for most of my younger life I know how it feels to be consumed in thoughts and anxiety daily.

Let me help you take back control by empowering you with the ability to thrive, not just survive in this hectic world.


We practice breathwork, asana and meditation to help connect the body with the mind and work through anxious times. Using Forrest inspired yoga.

We learn practical tools which you can take into your daily life allowing you to change your life for the better.

Neuro Science

We look in detail at the brain and nervous system to understand how it's in charge when it comes to movement.

If the brain doesn't feel safe it will stop you in your tracks. We look at ways to calm the mind and hack the nervous system to improve our daily movement.


Finally we look into the psychology of the mind. How unhelpful thinking patterns & default behaviours keep us stuck. and what we can do to overcome these.

We bring awareness to learned behaviours and how through trying to keep us safe the brain isn't always making the best decisions for us to thrive.

Hi, I’m Fiona Fox

I have practiced yoga for many years and gained great benefits from it but it wasn't until 2020 when I decided to train as a teacher that I really understood how life changing yoga can be,

It taught me to breath properly, be OK with sitting in silence and understand my body on a whole new level.

I've always been an anxious person, having suffered with OCD since I was 11 but In 2021 following a number of accumulating events I suffered from several panic attacks. I can honestly say at it's worse I would happily have never left the house ever again.

Thanks to the amazing support of my family, a fantastic counsellor, my yoga practice and some pure grit two years later I am thriving again but it has been a long journey and I'm still on it.

Along the way I have researched, learned and picked up many tools which have been life saving for me and this is what I now share in my courses.

I want people to Know they can get better, however hard it feels right now. I think it's important for people to understand that you need an arsenal of tools to get you back and then keep you on track, not just talk therapy or breath work or yoga insolation and this is what my courses are all about.